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June 26, 2007



hai. post more kplx?!1? I like reading your blog:)


kplx? Is that a radio station or something? hehe Maybe you meant "OK, please"? Crazy 'leetspeak™ of kids these days... :P I've been busy working on my 3D game comparison--using a content management system to try and implement it; it's promising but there's a lot of fluff crap to deal with just to even get a damn table out of it. But at least it'll be configurable (which games and features to compare)--well, that's the theory anyway. Oh and anyone will be able to add/edit a game (kinda like MobyGames but not as slick...yet). ;) Oh and KPLX is a radio station! hehe


haha oh Eep, how I love to mess with you:p

That sounds pretty neat, I'm going to have to check it out, me thinks.


Well, the CMS is at a different location for now, and there isn't much to it--and I just got done entering a bug in the particular module I'm using to create the actual table, which is a pain-in-the-ass by itself! It's slow-going and I don't even know if I'll be able to use this particular CMS to do it even close to the way I want (with the games on top and features on the side, in order to reduce horizontal scrolling). Ugh...I hate coding; I'm a content creator and designer (i.e "idea guy"), not a code grunt (implementer bash-the-square-peg-into-the-round-hole-until-it-fits)...

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