Well, I decided to give Wurm another go but I'm not paying for a premium account this time. I'm fine with staying on the "newbie server" up to level 20--it's less crowded anyway and I can just move away if the noobs get to me too much. Wurm still has annoyingly fast decay on everything but if I stay small and don't expand a lot I should be OK. I'll just live out in the boonies away from the mindless treecutting noobs and grinders once I get my fight skill up enough to defeat most of the easier animals limited to this server. Wurm still has all of the same bugs it did 2 years ago too--and then some with its new things like boats and large carts that animals can lead. Still, its developer (now OneTooFree--whatever) would rather add new features (like meditation...meditation! and puppets! WTF?!) than fix years-old bugs. Stupid...
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