So I'm minding my own business, going about editing the Wurm wiki like I was doing intensively for weeks, when I add a few main namespace player page redirects (like "user" going to "User:User" or "Player:User") to hot food cooking for the guide author credit links. Then I get a mesage on my talk page from Thorgot about it being "policy" to not create player pages in the main namespace (even though they're not player pages but simply REDIRECTS to player pages). But he doesn't know WHY it's policy--and neither do the 2 other people (Wintermute and KaiH) who gang up on me in defense of this unsubstantiated "policy". So I revert Thorgot and KaiH's "deleteme" banners on the redirect pages and think nothing of it since they can't give any reasoning for their actions.
Then, KaiH bitches and moans about the wiki not being mine (never claimed it was) and that he's going to tattletale on me like a little girl, or something and the next thing I know I'm banned from it by Eir, who I private message:
Still waiting for an explanation as to why I was blocked from the wiki... I have messaged Kilean asking to ask you too since you have ignored my private message here.
It's probably because of me creating player name main namespace redirection pages, which 3 users objected to but could not provide ANY reason why they can't exist (yet ones for Rolf and Notch are OK, contradictorally). Also, Poolsclosed objected to his redirection page being deleted, which KaiH agreed could remain so I just don't get why I would be blocked for this fiasco if now, suddenly, player name main namespace redirection pages are OK...
...but he ignores me for a few days until I message him again (and Kilean, the GM who banned me from the wiki years ago for unknown "vandalism"--and never explained what "vandalism" I did). Eir finally replies:
The day I blocked you, I woke up to read the forums and saw the team had requested it. I blocked you indefinately until we could decide if it was permanent or not. During this time I received your other PM with cries of oppression. That is why I ignored you, it looked unreasonable and I didn't want to argue.
In the meantime, someone said they thought you had your permission removed before. I just let it go.
The Wiki is to help people learn how to do things in the game. Common sense should tell a person not to bother with another player's account.
You say 3 people objected to what you were doing with player pages. We don't want this kind of drama going on in the Wiki. It should be very plain, black and white, instructions, people's villages they want to write about, and that sort of thing.
I'll post this PM and my reply in the thread and see if the others want to give you another chance or not.
...completely misunderstanding what happened, believing I created main namespace PLAYER pages (vs. simply player REDIRECTS, as what I created). I message him again, pointing out these blaring unreasonable misunderstandings on his part:
Doesn't look like you actually looked at what the issue REALLY is, Eir. I wasn't messing with PLAYER pages but, simply, player REDIRECTION PAGES to user namespace pages. It's REALLY not that big a deal but a little gang, well, ganged up on me just to spout that such player namespace redirects in MAIN namespace were deleted before (for reasons none of the 3 people who objected could even give). So, the block is QUITE petty. Do you often knee-jerk overreact when anyone whines to you about someone else they don't like? Not very objective of you, Mr. "Game Moderator"...
It's not about ME getting another chance, but YOU, Eir. I did nothing wrong. Other people overreacted to unsubstantiated past "policy" (with no reasoning) and blindly acted--ganged up on--against me. Mob mentality, yo. Not cool!
He continues to ignore me (as does Kilean) so I'm posting here out of frustration dealing with 2 quite incompetent GMs.
As you can see from my edits, I don't vandalize--PERIOD. Like I explain on my talk page, if a player's name conflicts with some Wurm term, a disambiguation page can be used (or simply a link to the Wurm term page's "See also" section or something). Besides, no one has a stink about Notch and Rolf having main namespace player redirection pages--yet, gee, clutch the pearls and declare World War III if OTHER people do! Excuse me for tainting your precious "gods", lemming-peons Thorgot, Wintermute, and (mostly) KaiH!
Fucking ridiculous...and wiktatorial, I might add.
Note: this is a Wurm forum repost in case that post gets deleted by the oppressive GMs...
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