I used to like creating—I still do up to a point. But, the more I create, the more I see it as an addiction that perpetuates more creation and improvement ala a catch-22, positive feedback loop, pyramid scheme, etc. Procreation, the act of breeding to produce offspring, is included in this, which is why I am not planning on having any children. I just cannot intentionally participate in something I don't agree with philosophically (and also has spiritual implications).
Physically, procreating produces another mouth to feed and care for and, given the intense pleasure copulating can give, can easily be abused and get out of control. Teenagers, young adults, and immature adults can be especially promiscuous. Many third-world countries have families of three or more children to help support the family economically or for religious reasons (for example, some cultures don't like females as much as males so the female babies are aborted). Aside from these situations, controlled/restrained breeding that maintains the same population level is another option but that doesn't address the larger issue of having offspring in the first place.
Why do people have kids? Aside from the aforementioned reasons, a couple may want to have a child to symbolize their bond in love. Wouldn't getting a pet suffice? How about a tattoo or just let the ring suffice? Even more basic is simply the idea of perpetuating the human species. This, of course, goes back to the philosophical idea of why one exists in the first place (besides from the obvious physical act of copulation). What is the point of humanity? Why are we here? Until these questions are answered—or do they even need answering in the first place—why perpetuate a system that only exists to serve itself? That is circular reasoning.
But perhaps there doesn’t need to be an answer. Perhaps the universe, and all its existents, is to go about being fruitful and multiplying exponentially until it collapses, rips itself apart, or something else entirely—rinse, lather, repeat. Who knows for certain? The jury is still out on the universe. Stop the universe; I want to get out.